Friday, February 29, 2008

Article: The Connection of Body, Mind & Spirit with Hypnosis

The Connection of Body, Mind & Spirit with Hypnosis
Debiby Debi Livingston-Boushey BCH, CI

One of the things an individual learns when they come to the ISHI School of Hypnosis Training is that they are not just the physical body, but they are a spirit; the living consciousness that gives the body it’s life and animation. Why don’t we already know this - why do we have to be reminded? We are born into a state of forgetfulness. We are asleep to our spiritual identity.

Let me give you an example to better explain this concept. When an actor goes to Hollywood to be in a movie, they are given a script about the character they will portray. The character has a certain type of personality and the movie has a storyboard about the character’s life. When an actor really gets involved in their role and believes they are that person for the duration of the filming, they usually win the Oscar. We all believed they were the character as well; we temporarily forgot we were watching an actor playing a part.

When you were born you were given a role to play. The character’s name was whatever mom and dad named you. The storyboard you were given about this character is the life you grew up in: Your name is John. You are Catholic. You will grow up to be a doctor, marry and have three kids, etc. See the correlation? All the information about your life “storyboard” went into your subconscious mind, the storehouse of memory of all the things you’ve ever done in your life.

hypnosisThis became the foundation of who and what you believe you are. When you became an adult and attempted to create a change or do something that went against the information, is when you experienced effort, guilt, failure etc. These issues of guilt, effort or failure can also manifest as a physical problem in your body. Maybe you’re overweight, or have chronic pain or suffer from insomnia, to give just a few examples. All healing is awakening to who you are - and when you tap into your true power within is when you can effectively create positive, permanent change in your life. This is where utilizing hypnosis to experience the connection of your body, mind and spirit comes into play.

Through hypnosis you are able to alter your consciousness and can then change your perspective to create a positive change in your life. When properly guided with a facilitator, you can rise above the belief that says you’re just a body, and get in touch with who you are as spirit. This is when you can really learn how to use your mind to keep yourself well. You realize you have power to choose the type of thinking you want to entertain which brings forth health and well being, financially, mentally, spiritually and physically. It’s putting the Law of Attraction into your life in a positive, conscious modality. When you are aligned in body, mind and spirit you become empowered to be the architecture of your life dreams.

Debi Livingston-Boushey is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists. She is Director and principle instructor at the ISHI School of Hypnosis Training in Berkeley and San Jose, CA. where she offers hypnosis certification and private sessions. For more information call (800) 642-9355.

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