by Ann Savino 
I remember when I first started on my path of spiritual education. I had just graduated from college and was looking for meaningful work while trying to pay my bills. My family had just moved out of the area and I was pretty much alone. It was an exciting time, but I also felt overwhelmed and really didn’t have any kind of support around me. For me, what I struggled with the most was being able to trust my own information. What was right? What was wrong? Which decision should I make? What path should I take? I didn't trust my own information any more than I trusted someone else's. Basically, I was looking for truth and didn’t know where to find it. Intuitively I knew that nobody could answer these questions for me. I knew the answers were within me, but I didn’t know how to access them.I clearly remember knowing that meditation was the answer, but I didn't know how to meditate. The few times I had done it, it was boring and uncomfortable, more like a chore than getting in touch with God within. I had tried some eastern meditation that was offered with yoga classes I was taking. It was relaxing, but I was uncomfortable with the format of chanting in a foreign tongue and having to sit in a certain position. Then I took a meditation class at the Academy for Psychic Studies. It was my first formal meditation class outside of the yoga classes. The techniques taught were really simple and it was easy to do. The most difficult part for me was the first few minutes of squirming, where I was unwinding from everything that had me wound up all day.
What I loved about the class was I started seeing things change in my life as a result of doing the exercises. My goal had not been to make these external changes, my goal had been to be more certain of my own information so that I didn’t experience so much doubt and confusion. But there were incredible benefits appearing in other areas of my life. It was like my life was balancing out. One of the big
areas that I noticed a change in was my energy level. Before taking the meditation class, I would go home after work and just crash for the rest of the night feeling totally drained. I would also not leave my house much on the weekends, sleeping a lot or just doing nothing. After meditating for a few weeks, I noticed that I was no longer drained when I got home from work. I didn't want to spend my weekends holed up in my house anymore either. I felt more energetic and more enthused.
into matching other people's emotional levels, and physically and emotionally feeling their expectations on me.
Meditation 1 teaches you how to work on the energy level. You learn about
your energy body; the chakras, energy channels and aura, which is the
system your life-force energy runs in. By working on the energy level, I learned that I didn't have to analyze or figure things out. By clearing my energy of what was not at my vibration, I was clearing what was clouding me from experiencing peace of mind and body. By emptying the cup, so to speak, I could then receive what was mine and be filled with my own vibration. Practically, this translates into getting in touch with my own information. This was the answer I was looking for in my original quest. My answers were within me and I just needed to clear away what was blocking me from seeing them. I didn't have to think about them. I just needed to be able to receive them, which I wasn't able to when I was out of the range of my own vibration.
What I learned in Meditation 1 is still just as effective and healing in my today as it was 20 years ago when I first learned it. It has made all the difference in my life, and I can honestly say that I rarely doubt myself anymore.
Classes are starting now at the Academy for Psychic Studies. Don't wait - Sign-up today!
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