I have been asked what the difference is between Jesus and ourselves, why it is that He was able to maintain the awareness that He was connected to the Supreme Being, whereas we often falter in that awareness. Some believe that Jesus' soul was somehow different from our own, that He had an advantage, so to speak, over us. The truth is that what we often consider to be our soul, or what we identify ourselves as being, is not truly the soul or our true nature.
There are two different souls, man's soul and the Supreme Being's Soul. Man's
soul is what you call by your body-personalities name, be it John, Suzy etc. It is nothing more than a body-personality expression. The Supreme Being's Soul is what you call Christ; the life of Christ that gives you the knowingness that you exist. It has the awareness of the Supreme Being in it, whereas man's soul does not. 
The soul of your body-personality came from the world which moved through the flesh of what you call your dad. It lives because of this earth plane. Someone dreamt it up and it's still a dream. It's just the imagination of the world, imagining what it is, and imagining that this body personality is John or Suzy. Your body-personality doesn't know that it exists by itself, it needs your influence, or the influence of someone who will support that story.
Jesus' body was really no different. It also had the dream built into it on the external level from Mary, who was of the world. The difference was that Jesus recognized that He was the Christ, the Son of God, and not the son of Mary. If you recognized this it would be the same for you. And, like Jesus, you'd start casting out the personality as He cast out Mary. So there's really no difference between you and Him.
You are connected to the original Spirit of the Supreme Being, which is life eternal, which is Christ; therefore you are the essence of His quintessence. This must be true else you couldn't be kindred in spirit. The same way a baby comes out of a mother, is the way that we came out of the Supreme Being and into being. Flesh issues itself and the spirit issues itself, the same as the sun issues the radiance of the sunlight. It's not different than, it's the same as.
The world of flesh is a dream world. The body is dreaming that it is whatever body-personality label it has been programmed to believe. But in reality it's not the body-personality label. It's a container for the Spirit of God. To paraphrase the Hebrew letters, "Do you not know that you are the temple, or the realm, of God and that the Holy Spirit, or the original spirit of God's quintessence, is the essence
of yourself?" Obviously we don't know that. In fact, most of us don't want to realize that we're not Suzy, or we're not John, or whatever the name label may be.
Our body is like a trunk that is being moved across the United States and labels are being placed on it; 'You're Suzy, you're good, you're bad, you're a nice woman, you're a Catholic, you're a Jew, you're a Protestant." It has nothing to do with the reality of what the label of the soul is. The label of the soul is the universal logos, the quintessence of the Elohim, or God Himself, or the Atomic energy field, light=MC2, a higher power, a source, the original spirit, however you want to look at it. Take your choice. The Supreme Being's name is before every name.
You are free. You're free when you realize that you are not living the life of your own. In other words, when you're not playing God, or you're not judging yourself whether your good or bad. You are just living according to the information you have at any particular moment. You are also free to make all the mistakes that need to be made until you can't make any more. It's grace my friend. It has nothing to do with whether you smoke, or you drink or you have sexual preferences which are considered strange. Those are just effects. Certainly, in many cases they are not an optimum expression of Godliness. However your personality expression is not the issue, because the truth is that you're not really doing those things. The world's mind is doing those things, it's the accuser and it's supported by a society that is decadent. If you were in your right mind you wouldn't do those things, but the world keeps you in your left mind so that what is left is that you don't mind yourself.
The body-personality is programmed to make certain that it absorbs you, so that you become earthbound. Have you ever wondered where the people go who die? The same place they were before they were born. What is that place? They call it the hereafter. We're here-after. Do you want to know why? Because we were here beforehand. So, since we were here beforehand, here here, let's give ourselves a hand, because all this happened before. Everything you see has happened before. It's all here now, this moment. And if you get in the watchtower of your mind you can see that the reason history repeats itself is because it's His-Story.
Everything that is inside of you has been preached to in the past, that's why you don't want to be preached to anymore. Now your job is to repent it. That's why Jesus said, "Do not marvel at the things I do, for you shall do greater things." In other words, you've got a body of consciousness that needs to be repented. Your body is a form of the Supreme Being, but it's not the Supreme Being because it is
not informed that it's not Him. However, through the reformation of the mind it finds out slowly but surely that if there is a God then you're god of the body, a small god. Why? Because God means spirit and you're the spirit of the body. The lord of the body. People say, "well that sounds audacious", but it isn't. Jesus himself is called the lord of lords, or the king of kings. So you have to be a king or queen to that body, or a lord of it.
You're a spirit in the Supreme Being's body, you're one of His electrolytes or one of His blood cells, the same as all these people He preached to are members of your electrolytes or your blood cells. The body itself has a body of consciousness that is earthbound; it's bound to be on the earth by the consciousness of those who came before it. And all that accusing and all that condemning and all that nonsense going through your body is their life forever more.
You're here like the warden of a penitentiary, this is why you have a pineal gland. It's the penal code to that body that they can't get out of because they're there for a life sentence. The penitentiary of your mind is your psychic space and you're the warden. The "war"-"den", the den of inequity is at war, two natures fighting against itself. However you can put it to rest by providing an attitude for it that Jesus was referring to.
Jesus said, "The words that I speak unto you I speak not of Myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works" -John 14:10. You can put the war to rest by getting yourself into the situation where you by yourself do nothing. That simply means you're not going to change yourself anymore. The only constant in the entire universe is change. It's going to be done. Do you go out there and decide when the ocean is going to have ebb and tide? No, you don't have control over that. You only have dominion over the earth in the sense of having seniority over earthbound intelligences, or the entity thereof that incorporates itself as your personality. You have say so over that because you are the one who has the awareness in the soul level that you're not any of it. That is, until you prove otherwise. And you prove otherwise by sowing to the flesh by believing you are your body-personality. You can now sow to the Spirit and be reborn.
If you want a change, say so long to your body-personality. Don't entertain it anymore. You see this wisdom referred to many times all over our world in different religions. In the Bible when Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter; in the Catholic religion when someone becomes confirmed and is given a new name and; in Rev. Moon's church he gives different names. You even see it in psychology when you are told to "re-label your subconscious mind". The truth of the matter is, the change of name just means a change of nature. When you change your name to symbolize your connection to the Supreme Being you are simply getting back your original essence or your nature
is with the Supreme Being. Jesus demonstrated to everyone what their nature was with the Supreme Being by being born without sin. That is, He was born without the ability to misperceive who He was, the Son of God. And this was done for your sake.
When Jesus was on the planet you were with Him. If you weren't with Him inside His body on this earth before, then explain to me how you got here. If you were not inside the Body of Jesus when you came here, I want to know how you can believe in Him, for if you were not you would not have His beliefs inside you. If your body was not already in your mother it couldn't show up. As above so below is the principle. People miss this fact. He stated out of His own mouth, "The words I speak, they are spirit and life" - John 6:63. In other words, they are you. They are eternal words. You are an eternal being that is immortal until you prove otherwise.
When you speak your vibrations your breath moves throughout the atmosphere like airwaves or signals. You are vibrating in there, you are being. What are you being? You are being a vibration of Him. In other words, you are being used by Him. Mentally speaking, you are in His Body. At the same time you are ensouled in this physical body for the safe keeping of those entities that would like to destroy themselves because they didn't listen two thousand years ago. They are the reincarnation, but you are the incarnation.
You never came into being until the moment Jesus stepped on this planet. He said He would create a new heaven, namely you; and a new earth, namely that body. And He turned what the people in His day thought was heaven into hell; and what the people thought was hell He turned into heaven. That's the only way you get away with what you get away with, because that body is going to run like a stallion until you get in it. It is going to do all the things that they did before you got a hold of it. So that's what a rebirth is all about - you take control.
The minute you quit trying to get someplace, you'll arrive. You'll awaken to take your stand to be still and know as the Man said. It's not a mystery to those who have ears to hear. They have the intent to listen. They can be frank, honest and to the point. And when someone can hear this they hunger for the Father's word even more. The problem arises when we get caught up in the trappings of religion, spirituality, the occult sciences and the like. We can't seem to get past the cloak of religion
so we get caught up in the religionist. We can't get past the cloak of spirituality, so we get caught up in the spiritism or someone channeling a thirty five thousand year old entity that says, "I am the Father, you are the Father, we are all the Father". It is the same as a psychological book that says "You're O.K. and I'm O.K.".
There is no reason for any of us to be in competition or jealous of another because there are no two individuals that will ever be alike, except at the spirit level. We are one in the Spirit, although many in the flesh. At the original core of being we are all God as far as the Supreme Being is concerned. So, which perspective do you want to look at it. The way that the world tells you, that says you are separated from God, or do you want to look at it from the perspective of the Deity, that says
that you are His Divinity.
It takes a labor of love to be able to handle the psychological changes when you hear something like this because it's medicine for the soul, it's the "truth be known" factor. And just like you take any physical medicine there is a certain kind of psychological side effect. It appears to the psyche that the cure is worse then the sickness. But your faith in your doctor lets you know that it will pass.
It is the same thing with an article like this. This is food for thought. It's food for the thought inside
you, that it better back off from you, and it better quit condemning you because there are beings like myself watching through bodies that can speak with the power of love to back that stuff off from harming a person's mind or compelling their mind to turn against them. But my words are not spoken in such a way that someone is going to attach themselves to the body that I indwell. Rather, my words are simply directing them to the indwelling light that they represent. It is not I by myself that does the works but the Father within me. And the Father within me is within you.
You are not the thoughts, you are not the emotions, you are not even the feelings. You are the being. You are that which is forever more. You just happen to look like Suzy or John temporarily. But when you finish your mission here, which is to give your body the kind of life that you want in mind for eternity (hopefully a heavenly one), you begin to uplink in consciousness. And when you do this you begin to bring witness to awareness that the reason you can't live the life of God is because you're living it - you just don't recognize it.
All the horrible things you see happening in the world today are the result of bodies that are out of control. The consciousness that existed at the time of Jesus is still out of control. The resident spirits haven't gotten in their bodies and taken the reigns of the mind through exercising the psychological maturity to harness it. Once these beings awaken the presence of the Supreme Being will repent those spirits who have been running away for two thousand years. And as a last resort, for those spirits who don't want to be repented or leave the body, the only way out is suicide; if they can't have the body they don't want the being who owns that body to have it.
Today we have more and more of the Holy Spirit on the planet. You can see it because there's more evil being seen. If the Holy Spirit wasn't around you wouldn't be seeing the evil. The evil would look like it's good. But now those who are trying to act like they are good are getting caught. So don't try to act good and don't try to act bad. Just be. Realize there are many lives but One Life. Everyone walks the same path but does it in their own way.
We hope you will enjoy this incredible offering from the Founder of Total Prosperity and the Academy for Psychic Studies, Rev. Bill Duby. If you'd like to learn more about Rev. Bill, you can read about his vision and his published articles here: http://www.celestia.com/pages/founder.html